Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Are You Winning Souls?

      The Lord has really been working on my heart lately about winning souls for Him. Remember in one of my latest post how I said that 95% of Christians never lead a soul to Christ? As I read that quote I said to myself, " I hope I don't become part of that 95%". A couple of days later I thought of that quote again and the Lord spoke to my heart...."What have you done to change that?" Whoa! What had I done in the past few days to help win a soul to Christ? Did I pass out any tracts? How was my attitude this past week?
   You may ask, what does your attitude have to do with winning souls? A lot! Bro Mike Ray calls it Witnessing Without Words. People notice a difference in real Christians by the way they act. They will never want to come to church or listen to what the preacher has to say,if they can look back at the Christian they saw in the store having a bad attitude because the price of food went up. Can other people see your smile even though you might be having a bad day? Or are you complaining and grouching when life doesn't go your way?
   Are you passing tracts? I don't know about you, but I get scared to death whenever I pass out a tract. What if they say no? What will they think of me? I doesn't matter!!! The Lord will bless your efforts even if they don't except it.

  You may also ask, but I don't know how to win souls! Are you saved? Then you can share your testimony of how you accepted Christ. Share how the Lord changed your life. Bro. Ray brings up a good point in chapter 4....The woman at the well never had a course on soulwinning, yet won the city to Christ because she shared what she did know!  Also you can ask your parents or pastor for some tips on soulwinning. And read some good books about this subject. I recommend the book I am reading now by Mark Ray. Of Course the best you can read about soul winning is the Bible! There are definitely many examples of soulwinners in God's Word!
    I hope this was a blessing to you! I'll keep posting every now and then of what else the Lord has spoke to my heart about. Can't wait to finish this book!! :)

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