So in my last post I said that I would share what the Lord worked on my heart about at the youth conference. I still can't believe it went by that quickly! The preaching was amazing! So here goes....
Whew! Where do I start? I guess I will share some of the quotes that stuck out to me and then some of the decisions I made.
You ought to be the first one to show others how fun and inviting trusting the Lord can be. -Steven Barnes
The only thing you lose in the fire is what the world puts on you. -Dean Miller
I thought I would kind of explain to you this quote. Remember in the book of Daniel, the story about the 3 Hebrew boys who would not bow down to the statue, and they were thrown into the fire? Well the Bible says that their hands were bound with ropes and when they came out of the fire the only thing burned was the ropes that were put on them. What an amazing thought, how that when we are going through some trials in our life, if we trust in God, the only thing we will lose is what the world has put on us.
When God gives a commandment, He is doing it for our good and our protection. -Dean Miller
When's the last time you went to God in prayer and talked about Him and not only you? -Dean Miller
God is the only One who can take the trials in your life and make them blessings. -Scott Gray
YOU are the only one who chooses if YOU make it in the Christian walk or not. -Bob Gray 2
Your attitude determines what kind of person you become and what kind of influence you have on others.
So....Bro. Dean Miller preached a message about the 3 Hebrew boys in the furnace. He talked about having that strong kind of faith to be able to stand up for what you believe in and not be ashamed. That made me start thinking about the example I have on my friends. When I get together with them I usually don't bring up spiritual stuff because I am kind of scared about what they are going to think of me. Don't get me wrong, I love the Lord with all my heart and would never do anything to shame Him! But I wasn't the kind of girl that would look at my friend and say..."Hey, let's go read our Bibles together!, or, "Hey, we need to pray for so-and-so real quick" I realized that I wasn't being the right kind of friend. Later that week I sent a message to my friend and asked her to forgive me for not being the spiritual friend that I should.
Bro Bob Gray 2 preached a message about your sanctuary. He talked about having that one-on-one time with the Lord, and again the Lord spoke to my heart. I read my Bible every day and pray. But I realized that I do it just to check it off my list, not really spending that quality time with my Heavenly Father. So the next week I went to the store, picked out a huge notebook, and started a new prayer journal. So far, so good! I am really enjoying my one-on-one time with God. Also, after Bro. Gray preached that message me and my friend became sanctuary accountability partners. We keep each other accountable and check up on each other, and ask how our sanctuary is going. So thankful for wonderful friends like her!
I hope that was an encouragement to you! I am so glad to be able to have gone to that Youth Conference. Can't wait till next year!
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